Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hey, Daddy-o Thaddeus Rex!

"Read Like a Rock Star," says Daddy-o Thaddeus Rex. He's a recent dad. Welcome to daddyhood, Thadd!

1) How many kids do you have? Ages?
Two, Gavin turns 4 in a month and my daughter, Ivy Justine, is 13 months.

2) Best thing about being a dad?
It’s the only chance you’ll ever have to be a real life superhero!!! (At least in the eyes of your kids…)

3) How does being a dad influence your music?
It’s added huge emotional depth to me as a person and that’s reflected in my music. When you have kids, you know without a doubt you would do anything for them. You’d make any sacrifice. That sort of love changes your life. Being a dad helped me find emotions I never knew I had. Those emotions get expressed in the music.

4) Best &/or worst Father's Day gift:
Best gift is time with your kids. The worst Father’s Day gift is anything you send/get mail order.

5) How are you spending this Father's Day?
Somewhere with my kids. Don’t know where, doesn’t really matter. It’ll be the best day of the year regardless!

6) Words of wisdom to dads:
Leave work early. Surprise the kids at daycare. Take ‘em out for ice cream or a movie or a trip to the park. Do it often!!

7) (For your kids only)...walk out of the room your dad (Thadd) cool or goofy?
I’m on the road so will have to answer for them. My kids are still pretty young and think I’m pretty cool! I hope I can maintain the status for a long time. We’ll see what happens…

Thanks, Thadd!
Happy Father's Day!

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