Yup, it's busy here with the Yosi, & the Yosi & The Superdads, & the Yosi & family gigs. How busy? So, busy I don't get to think of posting for months (again). Sometimes I just want to drop out of the blogging game. However, I'm not. Seems that when music is sent to me that really strikes me to think of posting you KNOW it rocks. I'm waiting for that wonderful disc or MP3. In the meantime, several old friends have beckoned to join Facebook. So I bit...and...wow! I really really like it! Much better than myspace. Lots of ways to connect & get in touch with old friends. So, may be you'll like it. Give it a shot.
On a fun note, Yosi & The Superdads added PIC's of ourselves at different ages on our site: http://www.yosimusic.com/super.html
Oh, if you've heard any really rockin' indie kids music let me know. Much appreciated.
Get on Facebook now!
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